聚乳酸增韧加工技术的基础研究及其应用开发,陈学思,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 Basic Research of Polylactide Toughing Technology and its Application,Xuesi Chen, Chang Chun Institute Of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
表征生物降解聚合物生物降解能力的环境降解参数,宋存江,南开大学 Introduction of Environmentally Degradable Parameters to Evaluate the Biodegradability of Biodegradable Polymers, Cunjiang Song, NanKai University
PLA双向拉伸膜在软包装中的应用NATIVIA?时间经验, Paolo Serafin, NATIVIA BOPLA film applications in flexible packaging: the NATIVIA? experience, Paolo Serafin, NATIVIA
聚乳酸产业发展的最新状况,陈志明,浙江海正生物材料有限公司 The recent development of producing of PLA,Zhiming Chen, Zhejiang Hisun Biomaterials Co,Ltd
新一代聚乳酸的生物-化学组合合成技术,印培民,上海科院生物材料有限公司 Bio-chemical combinatorial synthesis technology for a new generation of polylactic acid, Peimin Yin, Shanghaikeyuan Biomaterials Co.Ltd.
生物基尼龙的研究进展,刘民英,郑州大学 The progress of researching of biobased nilon, Minyin Liu, Zhengzhou University、
发酵生产轻质烯烃如异丁烯和丁二烯,Global Bioenergies S.A.,Jean-Baptiste Barbaroux Gaseous direct fermentation to light olefins such as Isobutene and Butadiene, Jean-Baptiste Barbaroux, Global Bioenergies S.A.
新型环保增塑剂和在生物降解高分子中的应用,张会良,中科院长春应化所 Novel and green plasticizers and their applications in biodegradable polymers, Lisong Dong, Chang Chun Institute Of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
PVA干法加工生产与应用,项爱民,北京工商大学 The dry-method processing of PVA, Aimin Xiang,Beijing Technology and Business University
植物秸秆塑化原理及生物质塑料研究,胡汉杰,武汉华丽环保科技有限公司 The plasticization principles of plant stalk and research on biomass plastics,Hu Hanjie,Wuhan Huali Environmental Technology Co. Ltd.
再生资源工程材料于高性能耐用品的应用, 郑学忠,杜邦高性能聚合物 Renewably Sourced Engineering Polymers for High Performance Durable Goods, Henry Teh ,DuPont Performance Polymers